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Luxury villas at an average price of just £69/person/night, and we guarantee that you won't find them cheaper


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Short of time? Simply fill in this form and we'll send you a shortlist and help you tailor your Bali holiday to the very last detail.

Complete your trip to paradise with a first-class, uber-luxurious villa. Take a peek at our most favourite villas in Bali, you know you want to…

Bali is renowned for its beaches & thankfully, you'll get your fix of clear waters and golden sands. These villas are within walking distance to some of the best beaches in Bali.

If you are looking for a great getaway holiday to relax with friends... We've got you covered

Fully clothed or not, the pool is the biggest holiday perk. If it's non-negotiable then click here to view our villas in Bali with private pools. 

We know a thing or two about wining and dining. So, be sure to check out our villas that include a moreish chef service.

Top destinations in Bali
Top destinations in Bali

Why do Ordinary

Also known as the Land of the Gods, Bali's initial appeal is one of natural splendour. From its looming volcanoes and tropical beaches, rugged cliff tops and dynamic paddy fields to Bali's exciting nightlife, every nook and cranny is just waiting to be explored. But if you look beyond the aesthetics and the to-die-for sundowners, you'll be enchanted by the country's spiritual culture and ever-smiling locals. The Balinese have essence money can't buy, full of joy and peace - something you and your family will fall in love with.

Why book with us? From the moment we take your phone call, up until your holiday comes to an end, we'll be on standby to arrange any extras, lend our insider recommendations and put any niggles or concerns to bed. You're in safe hands, but best of all you can breathe a heavy sigh of relief knowing that we've personally handpicked our villas in Bali. All of which have been chosen for their paradisic qualities and top-tier facilities. We've never done anything by halves, but we do excel at the exceptional, and we want your Bali trip to be one the family will remember for a lifetime.

And if you need a hand choosing your villa, check here our guide of things to consider before you book your villa holiday. 

Olivers Journal

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