Travel Tips and Inspiration

15 Female Instagrammers to Follow in 2021

March 8th marks International Women’s Day – a day to celebrate and support women, their achievements, and to raise awareness for women’s equality. In celebration of IWD we asked some of the women around the office to help us pull together a list of the ladies they love to follow (and now we love to follow), so you can follow them too. From activists and wellbeing gurus to funny mum’s and inspirational leaders, these are the 15 female Instagrammers we think you need to follow in 2021.

Just don’t hold us accountable for not being able to get off your feed. Okay?

Rosie Ramsey (@rosemarinoramsey

We just can’t get enough of Rosie Ramsey. From her candid, down-to-earth posts to her downright hilarious antics on her stories… she’s so entertaining, and we just want to be friends with her. She’s not only relatable for northerners (our token OT Geordie lives for her northern-ness) but she’s relatable to young mums and women in general.

P.S. If you’ve not listened to her and her husband’s podcast, Shagged Married Annoyed, you need to do that… ASAP.

Louise Boyce (@mamastillgotit

If you’re looking for a ‘real’ mummy influencer, who isn’t afraid to show the realities of having kids and all the ups and downs of homeschooling etc during the pandemic – but still in a funny and light-hearted way – then you’ve got to give Louise a follow. She’s got a gorgeous feed, but also isn’t about the Instagram ‘highlight reel’. Plus, we can’t get enough of her TikToks! 

Stacey Solomon (@staceysolomon

The housework Instagram trend is alive and kicking right now, and we can’t get over how much we enjoy seeing something getting cleaned and organised. We love watching Stacey’s housework transformations (tap to tidy is a fave), as well as her DIY décor creations and her cute family updates – and her seasonally decorated doors are just INSANE. It’s just a good, positive all-rounder Insta feed for us.

Anna Whitehouse (@mother_pukka)

This mumma does it all – she’s a mother, presenter, columnist, TedX speaker, and champions women’s rights. She also uses her channel to share other people’s stories, highlight injustices, holds clinics with specialists on her stories, shares news that’s relevant to parents (particularly recently in regards to the pandemic) and anything else going on in our crazy world that really needs attention. She talks about the challenges faced with being a working mum openly, and she does it all in a down-to-earth, relatable way. There are basically a lot of reasons why you should be following her!

Munroe Bergdorf (@munroebergdorf)

Munroe is a strong voice on social media for the LGBTQ+ community, and she uses her status as a well-known model, UK changemaker for the UN (and a bunch of other accolades) to push important messages out to the masses. She was the first UK Transgender model for L’Oreal, and she’s been the covergirl for TIME, Teen Vogue, and Glamour – always looking fierce! A must-follow if you feel like you’re lacking in education of LGBTQ+ issues, and if you want some more glam shots in your feed.

Danae Mercer (@danaemercer)

The journey of self-love is a tough one, but it’s a journey that’s made a hell of a lot easier with the help of accounts like Danae’s. She throws out the positive vibes every day, and we just love the way that she debunks the unrealistic images we’re bombarded with on our feeds. We always come away feeling much better about ourselves, and much more aware of the unrealistic images that are pushed on to us on a daily basis after she shares a post.

Jess Jones (@thefatfunnyone

If you need a daily dose of positivity and fun, then look no further than this Insta mum – she was awarded Insta’s funniest mum award in 2019, after all! She’s throwing out girl-next-door vibes, and we just want to be friends with her. She champions body positivity and being comfortable in the skin you’re in, with motivational, inspirational quotes scattered around her feed for a little pick-me-up when you need it. She’s also got a podcast, Say It With Your Whole Chest, which grew from an Insta story into a full-on hilarious, uplifting podcast with great interviews, confessions and funny unpopular opinions!

Uju Asika (@babesabouttown

Uju is a family lifestyle blogger – turned author – sharing everything from her snaps of family life to important discussions about race. We love how bright and colourful her feed is, and the captions of her posts are open, honest, and down-to-earth. Her book Bringing Up Race: How to Raise a Child in a Prejudiced World hit bookshelves September last year. 

Candice Brathwaite (@candicebrathwaite

If you don’t know who Candice is, you’ve been living under a rock. She rocks her fashion know-how on Lorraine (and in her feed, and blog), writes books (and columns), shares the most adorable family snaps (see above) and is the author and founder of Make Motherhood Diverse, which supports all mum’s, promotes inclusion and diversity, and best of all shares all kinds of stories (funny, positive, motivational and serious) from mother’s in a bid to “challenge the single story of motherhood”. She’s real, honest, funny and without sounding like a broken record in this post, down-to-earth (sorry, but we just follow a lot of people who are down-to-earth, okay?).

Adrienne Herbert (@adrienne_ldn

This writer right here was first introduced to Adrienne when taking up a few of her high-energy workout classes on Fiit (the ideal go-to for at-home workouts, btw). Her Insta feed is a mixture of positive vibes, inspirational hits, workouts, and loads more! Following her gives you a daily dose of motivation, which we can’t deny is desperately needed right now. Plus, she’s the host of the Power Hour podcast, which has now been made into a book! We are living for her energy.

Chloe Brotheridge (@chloebrotheridge

Self-help books/apps are flooding the market at the moment, claiming to declutter your home, your mind and your life. We love Chloe because she speaks from the heart offering insights into her own life and experiences, which makes you feel less alone (which we think is half the battle!).

Freddie Harrel (@freddieharrel)

This beautiful lady is a fashion and beauty blogger – turned entrepreneur – creating RadSwan, a “conscious beauty brand built with, and for the Global African Diaspora”. Her personal feed shows everything from her family life at home to fashion shots (we want her wardrobe) and general positive vibes! 


Jasmine and Melissa Hemsley (@hemsleyhemsley)

This foodie duo is adorning our feed with so many tasty-looking dishes it makes us actually want to stop ordering from Deliveroo, and get in the kitchen ourselves! Their dishes are actually more simple to make than you’d think, and they’re all about minimising waste (which is right up our street!). Delicious food, made easy – what’s not to like?

Millie Mackintosh (@milliemackintosh

We loved her back in those early Made in Chelsea days, and we still love her now. We’ve basically watched her grow up in front of a camera, into a new mum with beau Hugo (we always rooted for you guys). She’s open and honest about new mum life, has killer fashion sense, lives for wellness, and shares it all: a beautiful feed we just love to follow.

Whitney Wolfe-Herd (@whitney

This lady is all about girl power – encouraging women all over the globe to take their dating life into their own hands and make the first move. Yes, she’s the founder of dating app stalwart, Bumble. Her personal feed is filled with Bumble updates, women-focused stories, activism, inspiration, and cute family pics.

Which women do you love to follow on Instagram – or any channel? Tell us in the comments below! We could spend endless hours scrolling through our Instagram feeds, and while sometimes the channel can have a negative impact (comparing yourselves to others’ highlight reels, or just being bogged down in negative chatter) these ladies – and so many others – cut through this, and bring real life to the surface. Top tip for your mental health in 2021 (and onwards): unfollow accounts that don’t make you feel good, and instead follow accounts that inspire you, motivate you and make you laugh! We need more of that right now. 

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