A trip to Italy is a trip like no other. It's a feast for the senses, and you never get bored. The Italian lifestyle is laid-back, social and all about la dolce vita - it's a struggle to leave and not want to emigrate straight back. From the Italian cuisine (hello freshly made pasta and pizza) to the vibrant arts and culture scene, it's a playground for all ages. It's like they took every good point of each European country and fit it all into one small boot-shaped beauty. Beaches on the Amalfi Coast, vineyards in the rolling Tuscan countryside, plus history and culture, world-class art and seriously impressive architecture absolutely everywhere. If you can't tell, we're totally in love.

Discover Italy’s Green Heart – Umbria

The astoundingly beautiful countryside of Umbria, with its peerless arable lands producing food and wine like no other, is a true Italian gem. It's not difficult to see why we do such a brisk trade in our ...

The Local’s Guide to Authentic Tuscany

Tuscany is one of those destinations that makes everyone go glassy-eyed upon hearing the name. If you’ve ever been lucky enough to enjoy a stay at one of our many beautiful luxury villas in Tuscany, you’ll know...

The Local’s Guide to Authentic Umbria

Who wants to be doing the same boring things as everybody else while you're on holiday? To ensure you appreciate everything our regions have to offer, we're talking to our local experts to find the hidden gems ...
family holiday ideas to Italy - Roccia di Corte Umbria

How to Spend a Family Holiday in Northern Italy

Italy often conjures up images of romantic getaways and is maybe not the first place you would think of for a family holiday destination. However, Northern Italy has a varied selection of activities perfect for...
Beautiful Sicily, Italy

The Local’s Guide to Authentic Sicily

There are many wonderful places to visit in Italy, and one of the jewels in the crown is the beautiful little island at the tip of Italy's famous boot. Renting one of our luxury villas in Sicily means you'...

6 Things to Try On Your Italian Lakes holiday

Any region that claims to have the most beautiful scenery in the country always risks making a slightly grandiose assertion - but in Italy, the Northern Lakes may actually have a point. In addition to the charm...
Old Harbour with fishing boat in Cefalu

Top 4 Beautiful Walks Around Cefalu

If you'll soon be jetting off to one of our Italian country villas in Sicily, make sure you add the mediaeval town of Cefalù to your list of must-do day trips. Standing guard over the Tyrrhenian S...

Dream Wedding Venues in Tuscany

Covered by ancient woodland, tranquil olive groves and beautiful medieval towns, Tuscany is undoubtedly one of the most romantic destinations in the world. With wine flowing from the surrounding vineyards, ...

The Five Most Beautiful Places In Italy

At this year's Academy Awards, Paolo Sorrentino's love letter to Rome, La Grande Bellezza, won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. It's a stunning movie, but we can't help bu...
Villa san Michele - Puglia - Italian Villas With Pools - Oliver's Travels

Five Things You Never Knew About Puglia

The heel of Italy's boot is one of the most beautiful parts of a famously beautiful country, but somehow it remains largely unexplored by the tourists who flock to Tuscany, Rome and Sicily. However, this just m...
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The Cheat’s Guide to Tuscan Wines

If you find yourself staring at the unpronounceable labels in the supermarket wine aisle with anxiety, confusion and just a hint of mistrust, fear not. We've created an Oliver's Travels guide to the finest wine...

The Amazing Art of Commedia dell’Arte in Italy

If the words in this title didn't mean much to you, there's still a good chance that you've seen a film, play or television programme that borrowed heavily from the traditions of the Commedia dell'Arte. A maske...
Cycling in Italy

The Top Cycling Routes in Italy

When it comes to cycling in Europe, Italy is the place to be. Wisper Electric Bikes have an ebike for everyone - wisperbikes.com. The planned VenTo cycle path, if built, will soon cover 679 kilometres...

Top 10 Reasons to Visit Italy

Italy is a magical country, and we think that everyone should visit the country at least once. Still unsure? We have made a list of our top 10 reasons for visiting Italy which perhaps will sway your mind! 1. H...