The UK's Best Market Towns - Oliver's Travels (Image via Paulio on Flickr)

The UK’s Best Market Towns

The UK is celebrated for its charming medieval market towns and luxury cottages, but a lot of us think of them more as nice subjects for a painting than a place to spend our hard-earned holidays. However, if yo...
The Great War - Oliver's Travels (Image via redvers on Flickr)

Remembering the Past: 1914 – 2014 in France

At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we will remember them. As we approach the centenary of the beginning of the First World War, there's been a lot of debate about how to commemorate this sombr...
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The Cheat’s Guide to Tuscan Wines

If you find yourself staring at the unpronounceable labels in the supermarket wine aisle with anxiety, confusion and just a hint of mistrust, fear not. We've created an Oliver's Travels guide to the finest wine...

The Amazing Art of Commedia dell’Arte in Italy

If the words in this title didn't mean much to you, there's still a good chance that you've seen a film, play or television programme that borrowed heavily from the traditions of the Commedia dell'Arte. A maske...
Cycling in Italy

The Top Cycling Routes in Italy

When it comes to cycling in Europe, Italy is the place to be. Wisper Electric Bikes have an ebike for everyone - The planned VenTo cycle path, if built, will soon cover 679 kilometres...

Top 3 Restaurants for Eating out in Dordogne

Parisian gourmet cuisine may be celebrated around the world, but if you really want to discover the true tastes of France, head to the Dordogne Valley. This idyllic region, known as Périgord by the locals, is f...

Top 10 Reasons to Visit Italy

Italy is a magical country, and we think that everyone should visit the country at least once. Still unsure? We have made a list of our top 10 reasons for visiting Italy which perhaps will sway your mind! 1. H...