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The craziest things our concierge team have ever been asked

Our concierge team get all sorts of requests from you lot. After they’ve advised on what the best property is and got you all booked in for your ideal holiday, they’re happy to help you sort out anything else you have in mind to make it even better. Most are pretty average: dairy-free milk, extra cots, late check outs, that’s all pretty standard. Often, we get seriously romantic requests, like advice on the best beaches to propose on, arranging for champagne and roses on arrival, wedding planning… awwww. (If you have a loved one in need of a kick in the right direction, send em’ our way.) And, some days, we get stuff that’s different, quirky or downright weird. So here it is folks, our definitive roundup of the weirdest, most noteworthy things our concierge team have been asked. Some things we totally made happen, other things… well, you be the judge.


1. “We’d like a gospel choir to come out of the woods singing.”

2. “Could you please find a camel for a Moroccan party (in France)?”

3. “Would it be alright if we light a bonfire on the lawn by the pool?” (in August, 35 degrees)

4. “Can we cut all the flowers in the chateau garden to decorate our wedding?”

5. “Could you please turn a room into a Batcave complete with roaming Bat-Signal on the house?”

6. A group of Greek socialites flew in on a private jet from Mykonos and thought they were staying in a hotel… they got quite cross when they found out their beds weren’t made every morning!

7. “Where can I land my helicopter?” (sorted it and got a free ride)

8. “Please could you have the gardener come and trim the few blades of grass around the pond edge, they’re offending my soul.”

9. “Please get rid of all the insects in the garden prior to arrival.”

10. “Is there enough space for 20 Harley Davidson bikes, and a wedding buffet to be held on 3 terraces?” (Yes, to both!)

11. “Could we have a hot air balloon trip starting from the grounds?” (Made it happen!)

12. “Could you get rid of the bees in the garden?”

13. “Can we put our whale meat in your fridge?”

14. “We’d like you to arrange our wedding. In a hot air balloon. And we’ll be naked. Cool?”

Click here to meet our lovely, patient, always ingenious and occasionally magical concierge team.

Have you been witness to a crazy holiday experience or unreasonable request? Share your stories below!

  :Hilarious. Sure, bees can totes be removed from the garden for your holiday. #bonkers

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