Team Travels

Team Travels: Dordogne and Aquitaine

Our intrepid photographer, Laeti, just got back from another tour. This time she has been around rural southern France taking… Read More

4 years ago

Costa Brava Holidays – Everything you Need to Know!

With child-friendly beaches, near-perfect weather and moreish food - Costa Brava is the ideal family holiday outside peak season. In… Read More

6 years ago

Team Travels: Dordogne

Once more our dashing team have been out and about visiting all the wonderful properties in our portfolio. This time,… Read More

7 years ago

Team Travels: Costa del Sol

Whenever any of us head off on a trip somewhere, we tend to take mental snapshots of the very best… Read More

7 years ago

Team Travels : Lyon

Our gorgeous photographer Laeti recently got back from a trip back to her hometown, Lyon. And although you don't have… Read More

7 years ago

Team Travels: Malta

In case it wasn't already super duper evident, we're a bunch of globetrotters here at Oliver's Travels. So whenever any… Read More

7 years ago

Team Travels: Wales

Our lovely photographer Laeti has just got back from Wales! We've been following her Insta Stories like a hawk but now… Read More

7 years ago

Team Travels: Ireland

Our wonderful intrepid photographer Laeti has just got back from another trip, this time she's been exploring the nooks and crannies… Read More

7 years ago

Team Travels: Puglia

Our Italian Product Manager, Stevan, recently got back from his trip around Puglia (and he's been raving about it every… Read More

7 years ago

Team Travels: Paris, Loire Valley, Normandy and Brittany

Our in-house copywriter, Laura, has been looking pretty relaxed of late. Turns out, it’s France’s fault. Here are the highlights… Read More

8 years ago

Team Travels: Tuscany

Two of our team members, Kyra from product and Florence from sales, recently drew the short straw and had to… Read More

8 years ago

Team Travels: The Algarve

Our in-house photographer/intrepid explorer, Laeti, recently took a spring trip to visit some of our luxury villas in the Algarve.… Read More

8 years ago

The craziest things our concierge team have ever been asked

Our concierge team get all sorts of requests from you lot. After they’ve advised on what the best property is… Read More

8 years ago

Team Travels: North Yorkshire

Last summer, our Marketing and Communications Manager, Tasj, went up north to visit Yorkshire. She had a jam-packed few days… Read More

8 years ago

Team Travels: To Marrakech!

Longtime friend of Oliver's Travels, Alicia, used to work as our French property specialist. In spite of her passion for… Read More

8 years ago

Team Travels: Scotland

We're a bunch of travel-fans here at Oliver's Travels (shocker!), so whenever any members of our team go on adventures… Read More

8 years ago

Oliver’s Travels Takes a Bunch of Bloggers to Devon

A few weekends ago, myself (along with Catrinel, our SEO specialist and Laetitia our photographer) had a fabulous weekend away… Read More

9 years ago

Oliver’s Travels Visiting Dordogne

Recently our two newest interns had the opportunity to spend eleven days with our in-house photographer travelling around Dordogne. We… Read More

9 years ago

Team Travels: South of England

In order to help our customers choose the perfect accommodation, we send our team out to scope out our properties… Read More

9 years ago

Team Travels: Cornwall

Whenever one of our intrepid staff heads off on a trip somewhere, we tell them to keep their eyes and… Read More

9 years ago