Categories: EuropeMalta

Team Travels: Malta

In case it wasn’t already super duper evident, we’re a bunch of globetrotters here at Oliver’s Travels. So whenever any of us go on adventures both near and far, we always pester them for the goss as soon as they get back (even though we’ve already stalked their pictures on Instagram). The lovely Jamie from our Concierge Team spent the last couple of days exploring Malta, and she kindly sat down with us to share the highlights of her Med adventure…

Tell us where you’ve been…

I’ve just gotten back from Malta, an island in the Med most famous for the Azure Window, an amazing arch that sadly collapsed this year. However, even without this, Malta should still be on your bucket-list for the architecture alone.

What was the highlight of the trip?

As someone with a soft spot for Roman and ancient Greek buildings, I wasn’t disappointed when I visited the walled city of Mdina where every street leads to a beautiful old church. One of my favourite things to photograph has to be architecture. And it really felt as if I was stepping back in time whenever I came across another building that would rival the Greeks.

What and where was your best foodie moment?

There is a fantastic sushi restaurant called Zen in St Julian’s that you shouldn’t miss out on during your stay. This town is right on the water so after your meal, you can wander along the harbourfront.

Any stand-out traditions or cultural observations made in the area you stayed in?

I was lucky enough to time my trip so I arrived just in time for Malta’s take on Carnival. While it may not be as huge as the one in Rio it was amazing to see the giant bright floats amidst the classic limestone buildings. It was really fun and nothing like what I expected to find in such an old city.

For anyone travelling to Malta, what can’t they miss?

Mdina is the town that has to make it onto the agenda – no excuses. But besides the architecture (I know, I’ve raved enough), there are some lovely little cafés dotted along the winding streets.

Lastly, describe the region in 5 words…

Energetic, cosy, friendly, delicious and spellbinding.


Jamie’s trip sounded amazing, right? If you’ve got the buzz to travel, be sure to check out our first-class villas in Europe and the Carribean. If you need any help – you name it, we’ll do our very best to make it happen. Get in contact with our concierge team who are always on hand to help plan your dream holiday.

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