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Luxury villas at an average price of just £69/person/night, and we guarantee that you won't find them cheaper


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Our Croatian Villas

Are you looking for something charming with villages within walking distance? Browse our range of villas in Croatia.

Private pools, trampolines and games rooms – our Croatia family villas have got fun times covered. Babysitting can also be arranged!

No time to browse? Just fill in this simple form and we'll send you a shortlist & help you tailor your Croatian villa holiday to the last detail.

Popular Regions in Croatia
Popular Regions in Croatia

From Istria to Dubrovnik, we've got it all

Choose a villa in Croatia!

With its medieval walled cities, ancient harbour towns and national parks, there’s something otherworldly about Croatia. Like Greece, Croatia’s privileged spot on the shores of the Med make it a destination where doing nothing is, if not obligatory, pretty much par for the course. And what better spot to do so than in one of our Croatia beach villas?

Venetian architecture dominates much of Croatia’s skyline so if you’re looking for a week in a sumptuous villa rental in an unspoilt corner of the world, we can pretty much guarantee you a holiday to remember. Croatian beachside villas pepper the coastline and extend up the hillsides, allowing you to live like a Dothraki king for a lot less than you might think.

Our hidden gems: Kvarner, Vis

Why book with us?

Every luxury villa in Croatia has been hand-picked for its individuality. We don’t do ordinary – we excel at the exceptional. Our goal is to help you plan family holidays in Croatia that stay etched in your mind for years to come – and that starts by finding you the perfect villa holiday.

Olivers Journal

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