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Our favourite villas in Montenegro - picked for their stunning views, unique character or their great value for money (or all of the above)!

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Rugged terrain and a scintillating coastline, with villas that'll make you feel like an A-Lister - this selection of villas will have you weak at the knees!

Popular Regions in Montenegro
Popular Regions in Montenegro

Why Do Ordinary?

Montenegro…the new kid on the Adriatic block!

This relatively young nation is immersed in history that can be seen in its inspiring highlands, gleaming bays, UNESCO World Heritage Sites and fascinating people. Villa holidays in this country are certain to evoke awe in its guests!

During its fascinating past, Montenegro’s landscape has been moulded by influences of Arabic, Ottoman and Turkish design. Vestiges and relics can be found everywhere amongst the canyons, lakes and primeval woodland. Each destination has its own remarkable narrative and can offer tourists matchless experiences.

Visit the Bay of Kotor to witness the Venetian architecture, Sveti Stefan for its pink beach and cobbled streets, Budva for some extravaganza or Ulcinj for a calmer coastal scene. You will never be far from some scrumptious local food, alluring beaches or picturesque backdrops.

Why stay with us?

Style and character are everything at Oliver’s Travels, and our collection of handpicked Montenegro villas have this in spades.

We have destination experts who know the ins and outs of all our regions, picking holiday villas in Montenegro that aren’t only unique, but also in the best locations. What's more, our villas are 100% family-friendly, many cater to large groups, and all of them have the ‘wow’ factor.

Our helpful concierge team are on-hand to make your stay extra special. Whether you want a fully-stocked fridge, a local in-house chef to cook your meals, housekeeping or any other extra service – consider them your holiday genie, who will happily grant your wishes.

Olivers Journal

Inpiration for your Montenegro holiday

Read our blog for expert travel advice and ideas


There's no doubt about it - the best months to visit Montenegro when it comes to the weather are June and July, with temperatures soaring to highs of 31 degrees and lows of 22 degrees. However, keep in mind that this small country can get incredibly busy during the summer period.

To avoid fighting for a patch of sand on the beach, we'd suggest visiting in the shoulder seasons, starting in April-May and extending through September-October. There's still very little rain at this time, but it's just a few degrees cooler.

Holidays in Montenegro

Beach holidays

Your time by the water will look a little different in Montenegro. The country's crown jewel is the Bay of Kotor, with its beautiful blue water flanked by imposing mountains plus an array of little towns. Whether you choose to unwind by the waves or go for a swim, this is one icon you can't miss.

Active holidays

Those very same mountains are also perfect for hiking, with Mount Orjen serving as the Adriatic's tallest mountain. However, you can also opt to go rafting along the Tara River Canyon, which is the deepest in Europe and also a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Foodie holidays

Due to its prime location, the seafood in Montenegro is unbelievably fresh and irresistibly tasty. Expect to sample prawns, mussels and stuffed calamari among other popular dishes, while meat eaters can chow down on four month-smoked proscuitto and small, skinless sausages called cevapi. Find out more with our blog on foods to try in Montenegro.

Historical holidays

Montenegro has many medieval towns and villages, but Sveti Stefan is one of the most notable. It dates back to the 15th century and, thanks to the pink pebble beaches, is beloved by celebrities, royals and locals alike. Want to take things one step further? The Old Town of Buda is over 2500 years old, boasting a museum that's filled with ancient artefacts.