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Our Top Wedding Venues


Now that you've popped the question, let us answer the next most important one: ‘Where should we begin our happily ever after?’

Planning a big blowout for the bridge or groom to be? Not to worry, our selection of quirky stag and hen party houses have got you covered. 

With over a decade's experience in helping couples arrange their dream day, we know the answers to all of your burning questions.

Why Do Ordinary?

If you’ve always dreamed of a fairytale wedding then why not take a look through our list of uniquely lavish wedding venues? From classical stately homes and elegant chateaux to state-of-the-art Tuscan hilltop villas, we’ve put together the most romantic places to tie the knot in Europe.

Whether it’s the furnishings, the views or the atmospheric romance of the place, you and your guests will be in for a treat. Best of all, because you can normally hire out the entire property, your family and friends will be able to stay and enjoy it with you!

If you’re thinking of getting married abroad, get in touch with our dedicated wedding consultant, Evie. She will make sure the only hiccups on your big day come from the champagne. We've even got a guide to getting married in France. Looking for more? Try our wedding blog?





Weddings with Oliver's Travels